What Type of Insulation Should I Use When Replacing My HVAC System in Broward County, FL?

When replacing your HVAC system in Broward County, Florida, it is essential to think about the type of insulation you will use. Insulation can help reduce the amount of heat that flows in and out of your home, which can help lower your cooling and heating costs. In Florida, heat usually moves from a warm outside to a cooled interior during the summer months. In the winter, heat flows from a warm interior to a cold exterior.

By using insulation, you can reduce the amount of heat that is transferred and help keep your home comfortable all year round. There are several types of insulation available for use in Broward County, Florida. The most common types are fiberglass, cellulose, and spray foam. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages.


insulation is one of the most popular types of insulation used in Broward County.

It is made from recycled glass and is relatively inexpensive. Fiberglass insulation is easy to install and can be used in both walls and attics. However, it does not provide as much protection from air infiltration as other types of insulation.


insulation is made from recycled paper products and is also relatively inexpensive. It provides excellent protection from air infiltration and is fire-resistant.

Cellulose insulation is also easy to install but can be more difficult to work with than fiberglass insulation.

Spray foam

insulation is a newer type of insulation that is becoming increasingly popular in Broward County. It is made from polyurethane foam and provides excellent protection from air infiltration. Spray foam insulation is more expensive than fiberglass or cellulose but can be easier to install. It also provides better protection from air infiltration than other types of insulation. When replacing your HVAC system in Broward County, Florida, it is important to consider the type of insulation you will use carefully.

Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it is essential to do your research before making a decision. By using the right type of insulation, you can help reduce your cooling and heating costs while keeping your home comfortable all year round.

Kristen Macbeth
Kristen Macbeth

Lifelong internet fanatic. Alcohol trailblazer. Incurable web evangelist. Proud food nerd. Proud coffee specialist.